WE NEED WORKERS URGENTLY - general labor,Jobs - YepSell.com

17 May
$ 76,543
  • Type Offering job
Job Vacancies offered to all job seekers.

I am the Human Resources Manager , under the employment section Rosehill Dairy and foods Farmers LTD Company here in Canada ,we need workers from all parts of the world to join any of the companies in different location ,we have branches in North and South America and other parts of Western and Northern Europe countries , both skilled or unskilled are all qualified to join the company .
Approved applicants are to be granted free air plane ticket and free accommodation and hospitality benefits.
Applicants are only responsible for work permit visa fees requirements, contact us through this
email for further clarification:

Email: rosehilldairyfarmsltd@proton.me

Your best Cooperation is highly appreciated ,
Eva Candy
Address: 111103 11 Line, East Garafraxa, ON L9W 7A4, Canada
Best Dating Script

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