Telecom Network, Fiber Optic cabling, Splicing Services - Other Services,Services -

Telecom Network, Fiber Optic cabling, Splicing Services
05 May
$ 0
(Fixed Price)
Synergy Solutions Telecoms Networks division teams with the industry’s best wireless technology suppliers;
we design, integrate and deploy complete solutions. We offer world-class expertise in all wireless technologies:
cellular, broadband, Land mobile radio, CDMA, GSM, UMTS, Microwave, Satellite, and Structured cabling
(Copper & Fiber Optics).

Our capabilities are:

Wireline and wireless infrastructure modernization
Commercial wireless solutions
Network design and site activation & preparation
Network equipment and infrastructure integration
Network operations center management
Security operations center management
End-to-end IT services and operations
Fiber optic cabling, splicing & OTDR testing

+965 65897066
+965 97171234
+965 65006939
Originate Soft PVT

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