Looking for local partners for Bioplastic unit - Other Services,Services - YepSell.com

Looking for local partners for Bioplastic unit
27 Jan
$ 0
(Fixed Price)

Step into the world of Bio-Plastics, the future of Disposables & Single use products.

Start Your Own Bio-degradable & Compostable products Manufacturing unit that are Environment Friendly.

We are seeking Local Investment Partners who are interested in establishing their own Bioplastic Disposables manufacturing units that will address the requirements of the following sectors in the Gulf Region.
1. Food & Beverage - QSR, Cafe, Star Hotels & Restaurants.
2. Retail
3. Hospitals
and more.....

We assist you in ESTABLlSHing YOUR OWN BIO-PLASTIC MANUFACTURING UNIT with raw materials Backup.

Our product lines are as follows:
1. Carry/Shopping/Supermarket/Garbage Bags.
2. Clear Cups/Lids/Bowls/ Shells for Hot & Cold food products
3. Drinking Straw
4. Paper cups (with Bioplastic coating) for Hot & Cold Beverages.
5. Cling film, Mulch film
6. Bioplastic Knife, Fork, Spoon, Stirrers, etc.
and more....................

For more information please DM your details
Whatsapp No:
Contact (Office/Residence)Address:
Email id:
Area / Location of the unit:
Interest : Carry Bags/ Garbage Bags/ Shopping Bags/ Mulch Films/ Supermarket bags.
Investment Capacity: Maximum
#Kuwait #Bioplastics #SingleuseDisposables #Bioplastic #Gulf #F&B
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