Cobra gx 8000 - Other Electronics,Electronics & Computers -

Cobra gx 8000
30 Jan
$ 2,100
  • Condition New
Product Intro
One of the latest incorporates most powerful German technology from Geo ground Company which manufactured by the best technicians to compete in the challenge of metal detection industry high performance and accurate results and trusted equipment that

Cobra GX 8000 was made to meet the professional standards for treasure hunters and gold , metals prospectors around the world however the product is easy to use by all adventurers gold and metal seekers by six different searching systems that works according to the most metal searching technologies that have been discovered by the German technologies .

unleash your passion for discovering treasures with COBRA GX 8000 the best and reliable device to detect the deepest treasures buried underground easily

COBRA GX 8000 Applications & Uses

With six different search systems that work according to most of the metal search technologies that have been discovered to date, COBRA GX 8000 offers the prospector the possibility to use it in a variety of practical applications within the field of metal detection and treasure detection.

Here we provide a brief enumeration of the device applications and practical uses:

· Search for buried gold treasures Example: jar filled with gold coins – golden statue – ornaments such as bracelet or ring

· Excavation of ancient monuments like old weapons such as daggers and swords – metal tools for plowing – jewelry – precious metal objects

· Search for metals of various ferrous metals such as iron, non-ferrous metals such as silver, copper, aluminum …

· Discover ancient and modern coins made of different metals such as gold – silver – copper – bronze.

COBRA GX 8000 Features

6 Search Systems

Cobra GX 8000 is the first unique device that includes six diverse search systems covering all the needs of treasure hunters and treasure hunters around the world.

Here we provide a brief overview of the uses and functions of each search system and an overview of its benefits and uses.

Long Range Search Systems

Long range search systems include two sub-systems where prospector can search in one of two ways: single search (single person) or dual search (two persons).

In addition, there is a Free Mode option available in both methods for fine tune of search frequency as the user can select custom value for specific metal type

1 – Long Range – Single Person

This search mode is intended for use by only one person using a pair of copper handles with copper antennas mounted on the front and holding the handles on both the left and right hands.

Each handle at the end has a port or plug that connects to a link unit via spiral cables and this unit connects at the end with a short cable with a Long Range unit that contains a small screen to display different information (search program, soil, depth and distance as will be explained later) where this unit continues to receive data from the unit of the Ground Frequency Generator (planted in the ground at the start of work), which is connected with the main unit of the device via a cable containing two pieces at the end , Black and red connect to the corresponding plugs on the front of the main unit.

This system is useful when searching in large open areas and when you do not know the location of a potential target, this system is used by the prospector to narrow the search for buried targets.

The device can be used to search for ancient burials and golden treasures within a large and large land area within a radius of 2000 meters and can reach deep depths up to 40 meters underground.

Several parameters and settings can be set before you start searching


The user can select the type of metal that he wants to search for from 12 Search programs for all metal types including ferrous and non-ferrous metals:

The available programs are as following:

· Gold Treasure

· Gold Ore

· Gold Veins

· Silver

· Bronze

· Copper

· Diamond

· Gemstones

· Platinum

· Iron

· Cavity

· Free Mode


With this setting user can choose the soil type from the available options for more accurate results:

Stony – Rocky – Sand – Normal – Wet – High Mineral – Low Mineral


Here user can adjust the distance of the front scan range by selecting the search range from 0 to 2000 meters where he can increase or decrease value via the left and right arrow buttons in the control panel


Here user also can adjust the maximum depth that the device can search, that contains values in range from 0 to 40 meters, also here the user can increase or decrease value via the left and right arrow buttons in the control panel

After selection all the previous settings, the search can be started by pressing the start button and then the device displays on the screen a visual representation of all the selected settings at the top with visual animation in bottom.

2 – Long Range – Dual (Two Persons)
This search mode is intended for use by two persons at the same time by using a set of copper handles at the end of which two copper wires for each person where one person holds the handles that have ports at the end to connect with the linking unit that connects via cable with the Long Range unit and the other handle does not contain ports , which held by the opposite second person and the ends of the wires in each side are connected .

After selecting the dual system (two opposite persons system) from the long-range search submenu, the different settings are selected in the same way as the steps described in the previous paragraphs.

3 – Manual Frequency
A team of specialized engineers has developed this technology for the COBRA GX 8000. Its principle is choosing a specific frequency manually that suits the needs of the user, because according to long statistics conducted with treasure hunters. There was a constant need for this technique that enables the user to customize the search for any metal he wants to search.

This third system is available in the form of a sub-option within the long-range search system and can be selected after the selection of the long-range system, either in Single or Dual search systems and then choose the metal and then choose the Free Mode option.

The frequency can then be manually set to a specific value that can be increased or decreased by the arrow buttons on the main unit control panel to match the search for a custom type of metal to the specified frequency.

Bionic Search Systems

These search systems operate using a separate search unit called the Ionic Systems Unit, which connects to the Cobra GX8000’s main unit wirelessly via Wi-Fi.

The Ionic Systems Unit has a small screen displaying a visual representation of the signals according to the system used and there is a port in the front where the sensor corresponding to the selected search system is installed.

The subsystem is selected by selecting the Bionic option in the main menu and then choosing one of the three search systems:
1 – Ion System
2 – Ionic system
3 – Bionic system

4- Ion System

This system is designed according to the latest modern scientific standards. The latest studies have been adopted on the fields and active currents that exist around human person’s body without being able to realize them.

The Ion system is based on detecting active ion currents in the user’s perimeter for distances up to 80 meters, where the sensor will install the Ion Sensor system at the front of the unit of Ionic Systems Unit.

The device displays on the unit screen a visual indicator in the form of a progress bar representing the strength of the ionic signal, an ascending indicator where the signal strength increases when approaching the target more and is accompanied by an audio tone that intensifies when a target is near.

When using this system, the device searches for ionic signals coming from long-buried metal targets such as old treasure or old weapons.

5 – Ionic System

This system has been formulated with the latest studies related to ionic and magnetic fields emitted from minerals, voids and objects buried underground.

The Ionic system is based on the detection of ionic and magnetic fields around the user for distances up to about 120 meters where the sensor uses the Ionic Sensor system at the front of the Ionic Systems Unit.

The ionic system measures the ionizing radiation (absorbed ions) of buried metal or golden objects. This detection method can only find artifacts and long-buried golden treasures.

In the case of a close signal an indicator will appear on the screen of Ionic Systems Unit.
The indicator increases as the signal strength increases or as we move closer to the target. In conjunction with a gradual sound alert. The signal strength increases.

If the metal is present, the indicator moves to the right, and the indicator is shown in yellowish red.
The cursor moves to the left in the case of spaces, and appears in blue

6 – Bionic System

Bionic system is one of the unique and advanced systems in the field of detection of ionic and magnetic signals that surround us in this world. It was developed to capture fields from underground buried objects.

The Bionic system relies on capturing a field from one object and starting to look for another object that has the same ion field in the area around us. In other words, the device can be directed to specific A object made of metal. Then search the area around us for any signal that carries the same ionic field as the previous object that means same metal. If there is no area similar to the object A. The device will not give us any indicator or beep.

The system can reach distances of up to 40 meters and uses a special sensor the Bionic Sensor.

During the detection process, the Bionic system interacts with the bioenergy of the operator’s body to analyze minimal changes in target materials. The Cobra GX 8000 Gold Detector can locate almost all gold objects underground. Regardless of the age of gold, the bioenergy system can be used to find newly buried gold, long-buried gold as well as gold artifacts that have not been buried.

In the case of a close signal will appear on the indicator in the unit of the ion system.

The visual representation of the received signals is a two-sided progress bar. If the detected object is a space or cavity, the left side is filled with a gradient of blue depending on the signal strength and distance from the target. In the case of the metal target then it filled the right side with color gradient from green to blue according to the strength of the signal.

The indicator in this system will appear statically if the field is similar to the measured field. In conjunction with a sound alert indicating the target.

Multilingual Graphical User Interface

The device software program has an attractive graphical user interface with symbols and controls easy to understand and adjust even for beginners in the field of metal detection, so user can easily choose different settings such as search system, distance, depth, soil type and other settings.

The device software program is available in several languages including German, English, French, Arabic and Russian and the language can be selected from the Settings screen.

User can also control the sound volume of the device as well as lighting the screen to suit the user conditions in terms of sun or darkness.
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